Lazy Sunday One Pot Chili

Nothing screams Happy Sunday quite like: football, comfy clothes, pumpkin spice candle burning and a big pot of chili simmering on the stove top! I created this recipe through trial and error. Our kids are pretty picky, so I have to choose the ingredients and the amounts of each, accordingly. This recipe is fantastic! It is healthy…

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Copycat Olive Garden Breadsticks…

‘Tis at last comfort food season. A time for warm casseroles, wool socks and all the pumpkins… My favorite thing to do with all of our tomatoes, is to roast them. Cut them in half the long way, flip them seed side up, drizzle in olive oil and roast for an hour at 400 degrees. Then…

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Cherry Almond Jam…yes ma’am…

It’s that time of year, when we shake the cherry trees in Northeast Wisconsin. Door County, specifically, is known for its abundant crop of tart cherries. At one point, Door County was believed to produce more cherries than anywhere else in the world! These aren’t your ordinary cherries. They are bright red and will make…

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Black Bean Brownies (shhhhh, no one will ever know).

Our family loves brownies! I mean, who doesn’t love brownies!? Their gooey deliciousness is reminiscent of every bake sale, church picnic and school function we’ve ever attended. Good alone, good frosted, good warm, good cold, good here and good there. Brownies are good everywhere. However, traditional brownie recipes are often bogged down by tons of…

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Deeeeeelicious Banana Bread Mini Muffins-Kid Approved!

The best part about buying bananas?? THESE! These muffins are jam packed with the good stuff. We have THE pickiest eaters in our family, and these go over Every.Single.Time. Each ingredient was carefully selected to create the perfect orchestra of flavors. Nothing processed. Zero refined sugars, and sweetened naturally with honey or maple syrup. I use…

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Strawberry Honey Jam

Strawberry season is almost over! If you’re like us, we go through tons and tons of strawberry jam. Traditional recipes are absolutely laden with refined white sugar. In scouring Mr. Google, testing many low sugar recipes and using our children as taste testers, I landed on this gem of a recipe that I found online. It…

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The best biscuits you will ever eat!

Sunday! Sunday is a day for biscuits in our home. And these will blow your mind. Have you ever actually read the ingredients in processed biscuits? Enough said. These are super easy to make and I guarantee you already have the ingredients in your home.   I buy bulk whole grain, unbleached flour from Costco.…

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