These are a few of my favorite things…


Let’s be honest, it is possible that I have a tiny obsession with the Pioneer Woman. With her deft cooking skills, to her emblazoned kitchen wares, I love it all. No one can whip up a casserole or hand pie quite like her, all whilst taming her long red locks on the ranch, as she prepares for the Marlboro man and her youngins to arrive with hungry bellies and dirt under their nails.



Another point I’d like to discuss is my love of chippy things. Kind of like someone painted a beautiful table that they junk picked on the side of the road (ahem, coming in a future blog), they dropped it a bunch of times, paint came off and then someone put hydrangeas and a Rae Dunn bowl filled with lemons on the table…and, BAM, Farmhouse! Can’t quite get enough of it…


Enough said.



With a beautiful boxwood wreath centered perfectly, and placed on the mantle in our living room. I look at it and think of all of the people that gazed out of that window…in a barn or old farmhouse, waiting for their sheep to herd into the prairie. Or maybe not. Could have been some guy named John waiting for the mailman. But still. I love them.


Often times estate sales are the result of a loved one passing away or moving into assisted living. As I walk into the home, I can almost feel the life of the family that once lived there. Old pots and pans haphazardly strewn about, doilies that are tea stained and tattered, afghans that grandmothers made with their tiny hands and big hearts, and rusty tools in the basement of the man that lived there; clanking his wrenches and hammers on something to appear busy as his wife made dinner. With great respect, I page through records and tip old dishes to see where they came from. Occasionally, I will buy something that needs to be in a home with love. Used cookbooks, handmade pottery and knitted blankets to name a few.


I stumbled upon this pattern several years ago. Someone was selling them online locally for $10. I had to have them. They were the very dishes that my mother used in her kitchen when I was little. I remember them vividly. Hers was an old mixing bowl in this pattern. I could hear the clanking of her spoon mixing brownies or cake batter.


I love taking pictures. I am not a professional, nor would ever claim to be. I love art. I love how the light hits the subject in the picture. Pictures are movement to me. A snippet of time captured. Frozen forever, to be remembered later.

These are a few of MY favorite things…what are some of yours?


  1. Koski on August 15, 2017 at 10:56 pm

    I love how you share things and also make the posts quickly interesting, that’s a big deal. Sometimes I want ideas but it takes me through a lot of unnecessary verbiage, you are great with your words and also getting to the point!

  2. Lori Brown on August 16, 2017 at 7:05 am

    Things I love….
    *Holiday cooking – Rolls at Thanksgiving, Cookies at Christmas, BBQ at 4th of July etc
    *Weekend family adventures
    *Having a cup of tea on the farm porch before anyone else is awake
    *Listening to mom practice church hymns on the piano

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