Shortbread Farm Animal Cookies!

In my quest for the perfect shortbread recipe, I stumbled upon this gem at an antique store in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This pan is absolutely perfect! It fits with our homesteading/farm theme and it’s just plain adorable. The mold was inspired by antique American butter molds and plaques. Its delicate detail was slightly adapted, making…

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Roasted Tomato Basil Soup

Our garden is booming! Bright red spheres everywhere! Hiding beneath the vines, on the ground, and between the leaves. If our garden does produce one thing exceedingly well, it’s TOMATOES! I have harvested over 100lbs this year alone. Tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, C, K, B6, folate and thiamin just to name…

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Lazy Sunday One Pot Chili

Nothing screams Happy Sunday quite like: football, comfy clothes, pumpkin spice candle burning and a big pot of chili simmering on the stove top! I created this recipe through trial and error. Our kids are pretty picky, so I have to choose the ingredients and the amounts of each, accordingly. This recipe is fantastic! It is healthy…

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Copycat Olive Garden Breadsticks…

‘Tis at last comfort food season. A time for warm casseroles, wool socks and all the pumpkins… My favorite thing to do with all of our tomatoes, is to roast them. Cut them in half the long way, flip them seed side up, drizzle in olive oil and roast for an hour at 400 degrees. Then…

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